Postpartum & Infant Care
Register Your Birth Here (5-in-1 Newborn Bundle)
Reminder that if your care was transferred to an obstetrician for the birth then their name is to be listed as the delivering provider
Hastings Public Health - Lactation Consultant
Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program
Perinatology Depression Scale (EPDS)
Routine Newborn Screenings
Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening (CCHD)
Ontario Infant Hearing Program
Newborn Care
Normal Newborn Behaviour Handout (AOM)
About Kids Health - Learning Hub (SickKids)
Your team can provide contact information for available doctors if applicable
Newborn Medications
Erythromycin eye ointment:
International Breastfeeding Centre (Jack Newman)
Public Health - Benefits and Tips for Breastfeeding
Formula Preparation, Storage, Amounts - MotHERS Program
Best Start Booklet PDF: Infant Formula What you Need to Know​
Postpartum Follow-Up
BIHC (physiotherapy and chiropractic care providers)